čtvrtek 9. února 2012

Why People Believe in Global Warming

I am not going to discuss whether global warming exists or not but I would rather explain why people like to believe in existence of global warming.
  1. People like to be scared. When they are kids they like when people do "baf" on them. When they are 15 years old they like to watch horror movies with people dissected by a chainsaw. And when they are 20 they like stories about communism, terrorism and global warming.
  2. People don't like unexplainable. Back in time when there was a storm people used to say "the Gods are angry". When the summer was too dry they used to say "the Gods are angry". When the winter was too long they used to say, ... well, I think you have got it.
    But in these days not everyone is religious and Bible explains only flood. And despite billions dollars spend on science weather forecasts are unreliable. Fortunately, we can explain extreme weather by global warming.
  3. People don't like when they can't control things. When the winter was too long people used to sacrifice a goat or a virgin to placate the Gods. Communists use to promise that we will rule the wind and rain. But these days it's hard to find a goat and neither science gives as tools to change the weather.
    But wait. If global warming is changing the weather and if global warming is caused by humans than we have finally got control over the weather! All we have to do is lower carbide dioxide emissions and it will lower global warming!
Overall, global warming is a beautifully fabricated story worth of spreading, regardless it's fact or fiction.

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