čtvrtek 1. prosince 2011

OSX Finder: Sort Folder Before File

Most of switchers getting used with how windows and linux sorting folder and files. Under Windows Explorer or Gnome Nautilus or KDE Konqurer, folder have a priority and displayed first before files if your order by type (or kind under Mac OS X).

Mac OS X is more logic than other OS; under Finder, filetype .dmg (or any filetype starting before alphabet F) will display first before folder since folder filetype is folder (and starting with alphabet F). LOGIC, BUT MAKE ME SICK!!!
Instructions how to fix it:
1- open terminal
2- paste this into it:

sudo vi /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings

3- type in your password
4- type 'a' (this will allow you to edit the file)
5- edit so line 7 looks like this:
"Folder" = " Folder";
6- Press escape
7- type ':w' to write
8-type ':q' to quit

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