The root is not enabled by default. enable it from terminal but KNOW what
you do with the root or you might end giving yourself trouble.
open terminal
sudo passwd root
You will be prompted for a new password to enable root access.
A harder way to enable root is to use the Netinfo Manager application (Applications/Utilities).
1) Open NetInfo Manager
2) Select "Users" from the second list.
3) Select a user you created andnd know the password for!
4) Double-click on the value across from "passwd" and copy it. It is the encoded form of the password for that user.
5) Select "root" from the list of users. Find the "passwd" value (default is "*") and paste over it.
6) Exit Netinfo Manager.
7) Open the Terminal and type "su root".
8) Enter the password for the user chosen above.
Have a different passw for root than the user - and make it something that you don't forget easily.
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