There are two archetypes in a relationship. One is a boss-and-his-secretary and the second archetype is craftsman-and-his-saleswoman. Both these archetypes are based on a difference between an average man and woman. Men like to think in big and women prefer to think in small. For an illustration ask students at an elementary school what they would like to change if they could change anything. Boys would be likely answering things they want world peace or a cure for cancer. While girls would answer something like no pet excrement on pavements or building a shelter for local homeless. Or in another words, women are practical while men are theoretical. Women takes care about their family and neighborhood, while men discuss politics. And that's all right because the sexes perfectly complement - the boss deals with big deals, but is incompetent when it comes to finding his misplaced keys. And here comes his secretary-hero and says: "in your left pocket", saving his day.
Another difference between a typical man and woman is that women are averagely better in talking than men because men are hunters and women stayed at home. And while men didn't have anyone to talk during the hunting, women were always accompanied by children and other women. Hence women's fitness was improving by high communication skills while men's fitness didn't really increase because they didn't have time to benefit from their good communication skills. Hence a craftsman and his saleswoman is a good combination. He makes products somewhere hidden in the cellar while she stars by communicating with clients.
Of course you can disagree by saying that your experience is different. That the most talkative person you know is a man, not a woman. But that's all right, because there is more extremes among men than among women. And averagely, men are still less talkative that women.